Tracy Campbell 1

22. Tracy Campbell

Tracy’s wish was to spend time with her 4 kids at a wrestling event in St. Louis Missouri on October 14th. We arranged to have a limo pick them all up and take them to WWE WRESTLING EVENT, with the help of Kevin Nash. The WWE donated 5 seats to event.

Tracy Campbell 1

Tracy Campbell 3

Tracy Campbell 2

Rick Klos Trivia

21. Rick Klos

Rick was too ill to travel, so Stella’s Wish Foundation rented a hall so that his family could hold a Trivia Night to raise funds for his medical bills. Wish #21.

Rick Klos Trivia

Carolyn Tyler

20. Carolyn Tyler

Carolyn Tyler’s wish was to meet Caroline Kennedy, one-on-one at her book signing in St. Louis.

Mrs. Tyler was really excited to meet Mrs. Kennedy and could not believe it was going to happen. Sadly, Carolyn was too ill to make the trip and was put on hospice one day prior
to the arranged meeting with Mrs. Kennedy. We were able, however, to get a signed book for the family.

Kathy Jinkerson sent an e-mail and asked us to grant this wish and thanked us for setting it up. A special thank you goes out to the St. Louis County Library for working with us to arrange this wish.

Carolyn Tyler

Carolyn Tyler 2

Eugene Zimmerman

19. Eugene Zimmerman

Eugene wanted to visit the War Memorial in Washington DC and had planned to but he found out he was too ill to travel. Stella’s Wish flew his grandson into St. Louis and the family all had a dinner party at the Zimmerman house. The family wanted it catered from Pio’s in St.Charles, Missouri. Pio’s Restaurant provided us with a good deal on the food for 50 people and Marcone Supply picked up the tab for the food.

Mr. Zimmerman was in the Korean War and was awarded the Silver Star.
Mr. Zimmerman loved baseball; the whole family signed a baseball and gave it to him.

Eugene Zimmerman