287. Lynn Seaquist

Lynn Seaquist was diagnosed in March 2022 with stage 4 ovarian cancer. She is 55 years old and have 2 sons (ages 18 and 15) and a husband who has been an incredible caretaker to me. She completed her ‘frontline’ treatment in November but found out in January 2023 that it did not work as planned. She is currently in a clinical trial through Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. For over a year, she has been in constant treatment and would like to escape this cancer thought process for a little bit of time. She tries to remain as positive as possible for her children and husband.

Lynn’s family members have paid for a trip to Hawaii, so Stella’s Wish Foundation is helping with some excursions on the trip.

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286. Lisa Pensabene

In October of 2020, Lisa was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Her once fast-paced lifestyle has seemed to come to an abrupt stop after her diagnosis, leaving time only for doctor’s appointments, treatment and rest just to do it all again. They say fighting cancer is only half the battle, living life is the other half. Funds are extremely limited as they have become a one income household, with the added expense of copays, travel and lodging through the treatment process.

Lisa’s cancer has spread to her brain and she had to surrender her driver’s license (in case of seizures). The brain radiation side effects can last up to a year or more. Her main side effects are severe headaches, blurry vision, off balance & extreme fatigue.

Lisa made a wish to spend a few days in VT with their dogs at a dog resort during a short break in between treatments.

Stella’s Wish Foundation is granting them a 3-night stay at the Paw House Inn. https://www.pawhouseinn.com/



285. Dawn Criddle

Dawn was recently been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and started chemo in June. This is her second fight so far… the first diagnosis was in 2021 and she has had chemo and radiation and 2 major surgeries so far. Dawn’s care givers have been amazing all the way thru the process.

Dawn moved to Orlando in January of 2021 as a single mom. Her friends have flown in from around the country, thanks to cheap airline tickets, and Dawn has had help with every treatment, every chemo, and every surgery. Thanks to her amazing team, Dawn was able to celebrate 1 year cancer free in February. Now she faces the bigger fight of stage 4 metastatic disease. Her team is still  cheering her on every step of the way. She has another summer of chemo and another major surgery coming before the end of the year.

Dawn submitted a wish to take her caregivers to Discovery Cove in Orlando, Florida as a way to thank her team for all the help and encouragement and joy as she fights this disease. She knows she is not fighting alone! St.lla’s Wish Foundation is granting her wish to have a day at Discovery Cove to say thanks to as many as possible with a truly extraordinary day swimming with dolphin and snorkeling in the reef, celebrating life with them while she can.

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284. April Burns

April was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. After 27 treatments so far, the cost has been very hard on their family at times. April made a wish to take a trip with her husband and two children to Florida to spend some much needed time with them on the beautiful beaches.

Stella’s Wish Foundation is granting April’s wish with gift cards for traveling to Destin, Florida.


282. Shannon Kiro

Shannon was diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer that spread to lymph nodes, bones, and lungs. She has been fighting as a single mom while still going to chemo, and is trying to find ways to make new memories with her kids.

Stella’s Wish Foundation is providing a gift card to help the family enjoy some time at Lake Erie.

Lake Erie

281. Steven Clawson

This year Steve and his wife will celebrate 26 years of marriage. They have four children, ages 6 to 17. Their world was turned upside down December 1st, 2022 when Steve was diagnosed with a brain mass in the emergency room. A few days later, they received the heartbreaking diagnosis of Glioblastoma. Since the diagnosis, they are trying to live each day deliberately and teach their kids to try to find the joy even when it seems to be hidden. They are hoping to fill the time they have left with memorable, joyful experiences as a family of six. We are huge Cubs fans and have wanted to take their kids to a game at Wrigley Field.

Stella’s Wish Foundation is helping to make Steve’s wish come true with a gift card to go toward a baseball game as well as some Cubs mugs.


279. Arlene Johnson

Arlene and her husband were married last year on March 13th and in November, she was diagnosed with stage four metastatic breast cancer that has gone into her bones. Her husband has health issues too and she had been the only one working. She was really hoping to have a honeymoon. She made a wish to stay at the Sol Duc Hot Springs in her home state of Washington to relax in the hot springs and be away from doctors for while.

Stella’s Wish Foundation is granting her wish and making it happen for them!