318. Laurie Miller

Laurie was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 39. Her youngest of 4 was just four at the time. She had a recurrence in 2013 and then went metastatic in 2020. Her youngest has since graduated high school and she has been blessed with 3 grand loves. She wants very much want to take the two older ones to Disney Hollywood Studios one day with her daughter from where they live 2 hours away.

Stella’s Wish Foundation has arranged for them to visit Disney with 4 kids.


317. Wendy Speigner

Wendy is described by her husband of 34 year as “an absolute angel on Earth” and she has always put others first. Unfortunately, she is not able to continue treatment as it was actually doing more harm than good and she has been pulled off of everything for the cancer to run it’s course. Her husband, a veteran, made a wish to send her on a cruise while she is still able to travel. She’s recently been watching a lot of cruise shows on television with tears in her eyes.

Stella’s Wish was able to send the couple on a short cruise.

“Wendy and I would like to thank you so very much for this wish come true. We had a great time visiting Cozumel and Great Stirrup Cay. We enjoyed the food, the balcony view, (perfect weather by the way) and exploring the ship. Most of all, we enjoyed and appreciated the time spent together, especially knowing the significance of this cruise. We will forever be grateful for Stella’s Wish Foundation for this amazing gift. It gave us pleasant memories in an unpleasant time. Thank you again!”

316. Eric Vorbeck

Eric was diagnosed with MM, presenting with fractured ribs, back and sternum. Tumors have been found in his tonsil, liver, lung and chest. He is undergoing chemo. He would love to see his young grandchildren old experience DisneyLand with their POP to give them fun memory instead of him being tired and sick or do a short trip with his grown children and the grandkids, but that is not going to work out.  Instead, Eric’s family of 12 will see baseball game from a suite – San Diego vs Dodgers, with a VISA gift card for spending money.



315. Cynthia Mader

Cindy has been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver.  Cindy had been a nurse for twenty three years, taking care of others and loving what she did. Unfortunately, Cindy had to quit her job a few weeks ago. Her husband’s work has also been limited due to recent surgeries, her mom has been also battling cancer, and her sister is recovering from a car accident. Her sister and best friend submitted Cindy’s wish to have a family trip to Hawaii.  What is really most important to her is to the family of 20 all together in one house with a heated pool and and stuff for the kids to do, so they can just all reconnect and spend quality time so they can all be in peace and understanding.

Stella’s Wish Foundation is providing a flight from Arizona to Oregon so that she may spend time with her sister, plus a VISA gift card for a hotel stay.

314. Laura Hebert

In October, Laura was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer, about 4 months after her husband’s cancer diagnosis. It has been a tough year for their family.  Her daughter submitted Laura’s wish to spend a weekend here in their home state of Michigan at Frankenmuth at the Bavarian Inn, where they can have a chicken dinner and just enjoy their first and last vacation together as a family with their two adult children.

Stella’s Wish Foundation is granting their family a 2-night stay at The Bavarian Inn in Michigan.


312. Nora Hulsey

Nora was diagnosed with stage 4 colon rectal cancer six months after another major tragedy in their family.  She is fighting it with all she has doing bi-weekly chemo, but her tumor is 6 inches and can’t be removed, making her case terminal. She just got married two years ago and they were looking forward to a long life together.

Her new husband sold his motorcycle in order to take her to see the redwoods and sequoias in California but when they arrived, Yosemite was closed due to bad weather.  He made a wish so that he could do something special for her. Likewise, she wants to do something really special with him.

Stella’s Wish Foundation has made arrangements for the new couple to have a 2-night stay at a Hilton hotel in Savannah, Georgia and attend a concert!


311. Tyler Kniepkamp

This past June, Tyler, age 38, was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic melanoma to the brain.

When Tyler was a young boy, he and his older brother visited his grandparents in Aiken, South Carolina. His grandparents took him to a practice round at the Masters Golf Tournament. Since that time Tyler has been an avid golfer. He went to school at the Golf Academy of America in Orlanda, Florida. He then followed his schooling up, with an extensive golf career, serving as an assistant golf director in several golf courses in Illinois, Arizona and Missouri.

It has been a dream of his to attend the Masters Golf Tournament to experience the actual tournament to enjoy the golf and follow some of his favorite golfers.  A parent made a wish on his behalf to grant him the opportunity to attend and their wish has been granted!

Masters wish

310. Kayla Canonico-Deviti

Kayla’s wish to go to DisneyWorld has been granted.

309. Emily Stevenson

Emily was diagnosed with stage 4 triple negative breast cancer in February 2023. The majority of her treatment is complete (for now) and she wants to create lasting memories for her three children ages 5, 2.5, and 1.  The family lives in live in Northern Colorado and she and her husband wished for the opportunity to take them to Great Wolf Lodge and Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs. Emily’s wish has been granted!

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