228. Jeremy Goskie

Jeremy Goskie has been diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma cancer and his most recent scans show metastasis cancer.  Jeremy has been the main financial provider for 5 kids and 2 young grandchildren. He has been dedicated to helping everyone no matter the circumstances. He and his wife wished for one last memory-making opportunity with their children and grandchildren.

Stella’s Wish foundation has arranged a cabin in Tennessee for the family to stay in.


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227. Suzanne Kroll


Suzanne Kroll is in treatment for stage 4 endometrial cancer and is grateful for each day. Prior to her diagnosis in July 2020, when a time when much of our world was shut down, she still worked, volunteered and did whatever she could to help others before herself.

Suzanne’s sister submitted a wish to make a special memory for her.  Suzanne loves the Buffalo Bills, so Stella’s Wish is sending Suzanne and her sister to a Buffalo Bills football game on October 31, which is Suzanne’s birthday!  They will also get on-field passes before the game.

Thank you so much for the on field passes to the game that you granted my sister Suzanne and myself.  Here are a few photos from the game.  Buffalo best Miami!!! Go Bills!  We had a great time, thank you for all your support and what you do for those of us stricken with cancer.  It means a lot to have folks like you who go above and beyond to help others.  You are truly blessed.  Again thank you!


Christina & Suzanne

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226. Daniel Burrows

Daniel Burrows is fighting Stage 4 Lung Cancer and was diagnosed in May 2021.  His daughter nominated him for a wish and says “My dad is always thinking of everyone else and taking care of us and right now he is fighting for his life but to be here for us!”

Daniel is an avid Dallas Cowboys fan; he loves to watch the games and has Cowboys gear everywhere. He would love to go to a game but unfortunately his cancer has made his mobility decreased with terrible lymphedema in his legs, and with COVID as well, going to a game isn’t really in the cards for him right now.

Stella’s Wish Foundation has arranged for Daniel to receive a care package from the Dallas Cowboys.

Cowboys Fan

225. Melissa Castrello

Melissa Castrello is described by her sister as “the giver and most selfless person you could ever meet.” She has a wonderful husband who works hard to maintain their home and helps with their very active 6-year-old sweet daughter.

Melissa is a 40 year old woman who was diagnosed with Triple Positive Breast Cancer stage 3, a very aggressive form at the age of 35. She will be now receiving weekly chemotherapy to battle metastatic stage 4 breast cancer. She was diagnosed with stage 4 just 2 years later after being in remission from breast cancer. This disease has spread to the liver, bones, brain and now the spinal fluid.

Melissa has has only one child and had dreamed of bringing her to Disney. They had a big family trip planned to Walt Disney World last July when she was more stable but COVID hit and everything was halted. Now that flying is getting back to normal, it’s a financial strain and Melissa has taken a turn in her medical diagnoses. She doesn’t want to leave this world without bringing her baby girl to Disney at least one time to give her a happy memory to hopefully remember forever.

Stella’s Wish Foundation has arranged for Melissa Castrello, her husband and her daughter to go to Walt Disney World, with 4 nights and 3 days at Animal Kingdom Lodge, 4 day theme park passes and a memory maker photo package.  The family was presented with this wish at our annual fundraiser banquet.


224. Austin Ohrt

Austin Ohrt was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in August 2021. This was unexpected and he found out by chance. Austin fell off the treadmill while walking two weeks prior. His back had been hurting, his parents took him to the chiropractor, the family doctor and then the ER. After multiple scans and biopsy, it was determined that Austin has stage 4 cancer that is in his bones, organs, blood stream, etc.  It is a rare cancer that forms in an area of digestive system called the ampulla of vater.  Tests revealed a large mass protruding from his pancreas, but surgery is not an option due to the state of the cancer.  He is scheduled for more tests to get more detail regarding the brittleness off his organs and bones.

Austin is a fighter; he has been fighting most of his life. He was diagnosed with intractable epilepsy at 6 years old and was given a life expectancy of 14 years. In 2020, he turned 28, twice his life expectancy.  He has multiple surgeries including two complete corpus callosotomy (split brain surgery) as well 3 VNS (Vegas nerve simulator) not to mention living with epilepsy. His aunt tells us “Austin doesn’t think about those things. He is always smiling, telling jokes and reminding us he is the oldest nephew, first born and he can boss the rest of the cousins around.”

Besides his family (he is a son, brother, uncle, cousin, nephew), Austin loves all things Chicago Cubs and Green Bay Packers.

Stella’s Wish Foundation was able to arrange a care package from the Green Bay Packers for Austin.



223. Christina Defelice

Christina Defelice has been battling Breast Cancer for a year and half. She was at the end of treatment with the hopes of being in remission after 6 months of chemo, a mastectomy, radiation and oral chemo. She recently found out the cancer had metastasized to 5 different places in her body and two additional tumors. The doctors have informed her it is terminal and they feel she only has 6-12 months until this takes her life. Christina is 43 years old and for her entire life she has always put everyone else first.  Her sister requested a trip for Christina and her family (ages 19,17,9 and 2)  to build memories to help them all come to peace with this devastating news.

Stella’s Wish Foundation sent $1,000 towards travel to Great Wolf Lodge in Pennsylvania.


222. Constance Graf

Connie Graf’s adoptive parents have passed and the only family she has left are her 5 children and grandchildren. In May of 2021, she attempted to mow her grass with a pull start mower. After pulling several times, she heard a crack in her ribs and shooting pain! She ended up going to the ER, thinking she fractured a rib. What came next was completely unexpected. The x-ray showed a mass on her lungs. Within two weeks, Connie was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-small cell carcinoma, large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma which has spread to her kidneys and pancreas, prognosis 4-6 months and was told she will not make it to Christmas. It has been an emotional roller coaster, having to quit her job to be able to do treatment, providing for her children all the while praying she can make it to her daughter’s senior graduation next May.

Connie’s friend submitted a wish on her behalf, hoping to give her a precious gift in return for the precious friendship and support Connie has always provided to her. As the sole provider for her family, a family trip has never been an option. Connie has always wanted to go to Wisconsin and see the Green Bay Packers play live in person center field close up. She is a die hard Packers fan and has always wanted to see a game in person. Perhaps,

The Green Bay Packers will be sending Connie a care package from the team and they will get 4 game tickets so that she can take her family!


221. Georgia Swain

Georgia Swain is a Pancreatic Stage 4 cancer patient and one of her care providers wrote to Stella’s Wish Foundation in search of a respite for her and her husband in the form of a relaxing getaway for the two of them to enjoy.  “Ms. Swain is a very pleasant patient, despite the physical challenges she experiences when receiving her cancer treatment.  Her husband is her primary caregiver and has been by her side, throughout her cancer journey. Despite, experiencing overwhelming financial woes and faced with unemployment during the pandemic, Mr. Swain is most always upbeat when I talk with them weekly.”

Their wish has been granted and the family will be traveling to Petersburg, KY to visit the Creation Museum and [Noah’s] Ark Encounter.


220. Janetta Gallagher

Janetta Gallagher was going through Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer chemo treatments and made friends with another patient undergoing the same.  Her new friend submitted a wish on her behalf, as something she’s always wanted to do but could not afford. Janetta (“Janey”) has her husband, a son, and twin girls. The twin girls live with Janetta to help take care of her. They both work hard and hand over their paychecks to help with Janetta’s expenses. Her husband has to take the day off work every week to take Janetta to her treatments as well as time off for all her doctor appointments and procedures.

Janetta asked to attend a football game (Irish vs. Navy or Tenn. vs. Georgia) and to be able to get her final family picture on the 50 yard line. However, her numbers during chemo have not been going so well, so she had another idea that could be done sooner.

Stella’s Wish Foundation will send the family on Cincinnati’s Ohio River Dinner Cruise, where they can also take a good  family photo.

Ohio River

219. Suzanne Meert

Suzanne Meert’s wish of a lifetime is to visit Yellowstone National Park with her two children. “The beauty of Nature has a tranquil healing feature within itself that cannot be described, only seen with God given eyes.”

We just granted wish #219 to Suzanne from Arnold, Missouri. She is taking her 2 kids to see Yellowstone National Park and we are teaming up with The Dream Foundation to get it done. Stella’s wish will send 2 gift cards for $1,000 total to help cover hotel and food and The Dream Foundation will cover the airline flights.