Anita Lewis was diagnosed with stage 4 non small cell lung cancer that had actually spread to the muscle tissue in her arm, which is how it was discovered in a biopsy. The cancer had also spread to her lymph nodes in her chest. After they put a port in, she had to be put on oxygen also and now has stage 4 COPD. The cancer was treated with immunotherapy and her pulmanologist said he thought it damaged her lungs more. Thankfully, God has let her stay with us longer. They found a nickel size spot again in December 2022 and she is undergoing treatment again.
Anita’s family made a wish for her to travel to Florida with her brother and pick up seashells from St. Augustine Beach, where there are beach wheelchairs that she can use. Stella’s Wish will give her a $1,000 gift card for travel money so that her wish can come true.