141. Angela Winterbower

Angela will travel from St. Louis, Missouri to New York City with family and will enjoy three nights in New York touring the city.

Winterblower Collage

Dear Don,

I wanted to extend my utmost gratitude to you and the Stella’s Wish Foundation Board of Directors. Thank you for blessing me, my husband Todd, and our two boys, Jack and Joseph. We had an amazing trip to New York City that was filled with priceless, lifelong memories.  And, most important, we had the gift of time with one another – the greatest and most wonderful gift of all.  We will never forget the outpouring of your support and compassion.  A special thank you to Rhonda for coordinating our hotel, air and ground transfer arrangements.  May the Lord continue to richly bless the foundation and your efforts as you honor Stella’s legacy and make a difference in the lives of others.  All the best to each of you.

With much love and gratitude,

Angela, Todd, Jack and Joseph Winterbower