98. Nora Swan

Nora Swan was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer in June 2017 and it is spreading quickly. She also has very limited vision, but does not let that stop her! She loves to help people and to be around people so she went back to work 2 years ago as a “sample lady” at the local Meijer. She knows all of her customers personally, many of them just come in to chat.

Nora has 3 children, 8 grandchildren, and 4 (soon to be 5) great grandchildren. She is very loved and very needed in their lives. They are proud of her strength and her courage.

The family is planning a vacation to see Nora’s grandson, a lieutenant in the US Army at Ft Steward, in Savannah GA. Nora’s wish has been granted to join them for this trip to see Tyler and his family. Jenny, Tyler’s wife, is pregnant with Nora’s 5th great grandchild. Nora won’t fly so they are going to drive the 14 hours, hopefully stopping often so she can visit some places she has never been to.

They will do some family type outings including Universal Studios on the Saturday since we are close by. Nora has spent her life making sure that her family is happy, safe, and secure. Her family is excited to take her on this trip with her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren and seeing the joy in the kids’ faces as they come off of rides. They will also have dinner with 16 family members at the Hard Rock Café.

Hard Rock