Marcia Spino’s wish was granted to travel to the Toby Keith concert in Georgia.
Approximately 2 years ago, Marcia was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. After rigorous treatments and a successful surgery, the family believed in the miracle that she had won her fight against cancer. In the beginning of June 2017, what started as a cough turned out to be stage 4 Lung Cancer.
Living less than 30 miles away from Myrtle Beach, Marcia was beyond excited to recently hear the announcement that her favorite country singer of all time, Toby Keith, would be one of the headliners for the annual Carolina Country Music Festival. Her love for Toby Keith started over 20 years ago but had become more meaningful when her only son enlisted in the Army shortly after the September 11th attacks. The day he was leaving for boot camp she heard, “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue”. Throughout her son’s training and 6 deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, Toby Keith’s music kept her heart and mind occupied until her son returned home. Not only did he provide her comfort but his allegiance to his country was admirable and made her love for him grow.
Words cannot begin to express the gratitude Marcia, her son Rob, and I have for granting Marcia’s wish to see Toby Keith in concert last night. Here are a few pictures of our time. Thank you again for making her wish come true!