341. Teri Wagner Mullins

An online moderator for one of the largest Foo Fighters fan pages on Facebook wrote to Stella’s Wish the following:

“It has come to my attention, that one of our members, Teri Wagner Mullins is currently fighting a stage 4 recurrence breast cancer. She is terminal, with a prognosis of 3-5 years.

Recently, in discussions following the release of the Foo Fighters’ new album, “But Here We Are”, Teri posted the following:

“Ugh.. trying to figure out if I can skip chemo for a month so I can go to louder than life and see the guys. Both are expensive yes… But I’m stg four and I want to pretend I have a normal life for a day or two. !!! Am I crazy??”

Teri, married for 21 years, is age 51 and is mother to five children ages 32, 29, 27, 21 and 10. She is also a grandmother to one precocious little red-headed boy. She has devoted her life to one of the most admirable professions and has been a nurse in a hospital setting for 20 years until cancer forced her out of the profession and into disability.

Raising five kids and a devoted nursing career means that Teri has never seen the Foo Fighters live.

As a devoted member and mod to one of the biggest Foo Fighters fan pages, and a devoted fan, I would like to implore you to consider providing Ms. Mullins and her family with the wish of a lifetime.

Her post came in just the right time—the Foo Fighters are presently scheduled for upcoming festivals/shows. They are also announcing a US tour for 2024.

It would be great if she (and her family) could be guests at a show of your choosing near to St. Louis, Missouri, where she lives. We don’t want her to stop her chemo, as it is apparently slowing the growth of her cancer, and we don’t want her to give up any precious moments on earth and with her family (especially her little 10-year-old) in order to fulfill her dream of seeing the Foo Fighters.

Please, fulfill the dream of Teri Wagner Mullins and bring her to the concert of her dreams and give her the VIP treatment – not only for you, but on behalf of all of her Foo Family as well. Our Facebook Foo Fighters fan group has over 122,000 members rooting Teri on and hoping her dream can be fulfilled!”

Stella’s Wish was able to send Terry to Branson, Missouri to see the Foo Fighters concert so she can both have a sense of normalcy and excitement as well as continue her Chemo treatments.

Foo Fighters