173. Magdalin Espinoza

Ms. Magdalin Espinoza is 39 years old, married, and has three children ranging in age from 11 to 2 years. Ms. Espinoza and her husband are both veterans of the United States Army, and she currently works full-time as a DoD employee on Fort Leonard Wood, MO.

Ms. Espinoza has been undergoing chemotherapy treatments since 01 May 2019. She completed chemotherapy treatment on 11 September 2019. She has been referred to a liver specialist for follow-up care/surgery post chemotherapy treatments, and will receive a bilateral mastectomy upon completion and recovery from liver surgery.

Ms. Espinoza and her husband continue to work in order to maintain financial stability in regards to household maintenance, insurance, etc. However, they are unable to afford luxuries such as family vacations.  Stella’s Wish Foundation sent her family to Branson, MO for three days in October to provide some much needed rest and relaxation.
